Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Senior Spotlight: Ashley Howard

Ashley Howard is graduating with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Criminal Justice. After graduation, Ashley says that she "plans to work as a probation officer while getting more accreditation and possibly going to grad school." 
Ashley's favorite Kappa Delta tradition is White Rose Weekend, because "it's the time you get to bond most with your sisters and talk to girls you  normally wouldn't be able to talk to." 
Ashley's piece of advice for her KD sisters is: "come to as many things as you can. You never know when the moment is that you realize that you made the right choice to stay in Kappa Delta, and to be as involved as you can. I got closer with our ritual through the leadership opportunities." 

Good luck, Ashley! Beta Delta will miss you and your friendship--but KD will always be your home. :) 

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